For those of you who are just learning about the loss of our Holland (or if you just want to cry :) ), here are some links to old posts about Holland.
Briz with Holland at the hospital the day she was born. She wanted to help with everything. She was very curious about her baby sister. |
I am going to print out Elder Bowen's talk and put it in my journal. He described so perfectly all of the feelings associated with losing a child. Plus my sure knowledge of the afterlife gives me hope in knowing that I can see, touch and hopefully be with sweet Holland.
I love this.
Elder Bowen was at our stake conference two weeks ago and he shared some of the experiences he and his wife have had with losing their son, as well as the impact it's had on their lives. I'm so grateful we get to be closer to family and be there to remember this sweet little girl.
i love this
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